Application Domains

Domains in Satorix

When you add a domain to your project in the Satorix Dashboard a route to your application for that domain is added to your Satorix Hosting Cluster router. You can assign any domain to an application but it won’t do anything until you point the DNS for that domain to your Satorix cluster.

Domain routing

If you add a domain to your project environment in the Satorix Dashboard it will be added to the Satorix Hosting Cluster router for the corresponding environment.

By default Satorix creates an internal route that is always available to access your application. This can be found at

  • projectid is the name of the project that you created, environment is the deployment target
    • Satorix creates a staging and a production environment that deploys to their respective clusters when merges happen to the staging and production branches
  • cloudid is the client name that you used to sign up for Satorix

DNS configuration

Once you have a domain route added and deployed to the cluster you need to point the DNS for that domain to the cluster. This is done by adding the following entries to your DNS provider.

  • A CNAME for any sub-domain you may be adding that points to
    • environment is the deployment target
      • Satorix creates a staging and a production environment that deploys to their respective clusters when merges happen to the staging and production branches
    • cloudid is the client name that you used to sign up for Satorix
  • If adding an entry for the base domain (, you need to be able to add an ALIAS record to your DNS service, this should point to the same

Default domains

In order to use the Satorix Dashboard Default Domains in your application you need to create some configuration to utilize the Satorix generated environment variables. Refer to the documentation of the language you are using.